Thursday, September 13, 2012

It's Ok Thursday

Its Ok Thursdays

Linking up With Neely for A Complete Waste of Makeup

So without further a do...

It's ok...that while shopping for my swap partner and got a few things for myself

It's ok...that I watch Big Brother

It's ok...that I told Brent that I was going to make supper tonight and I went and got us Pizza Hut

It's ok...that Greg Jennings won't be playing tonight, I still think the Packers can win!!

It's ok...that I cleaned the entire house through out the week

It's ok...that when my Mom called today I just wanted to get off the phone with her ;) (not because I don't love her I just hate talking on the phone)

It's ok...that I didn't wash my hair today

It's ok...that when I get 1 or 2 questions right on Jeopardy I feel pretty smart

It's ok...that I LOVE playing games on our Wii

What's ok for you?



  1. Pizza hut is a legit supper, don't worry! ;)

    I hate talking on the phone too! I'm always trying to tell my poor mom that too. Just text me! haha

  2. I'm havin pizza for dinner tonight too. :-)

  3. I totally agree with the Jeopardy one!

  4. As I was reading through them I was seriously like "yep, me too girl" on a majority! I am a BB fanatic! However, I was so excited this year cause Dani is from where I live currently but for some reason as the season played out I haven't gotten into like past seasons. And talking on the phone... me too!!! Have a good weekend pretty lady!
