Thursday, April 25, 2013

Gossip & Midwest Bloggers

Catching up on the celebrity gossip.
I'm sure we have all heard now about Reese Witherspoon and her incident.
I have to say I lost a few point of respect with her. Pulling the celebrity card.
Justin Bieber & wearing masks.
Oh Biebs, what are you doing?
You say you do it so the paparazzi can't get pics of you but you are just drawing more attention to yourself!
Melissa Gilbert wearing a red dress for her wedding.
So what? If she wants to wear red, let her. Ya know?
Teen Mom Jenelle gets arrested for possession of heroin, assault, other illegal substances, and a warrant for not paying child support.
This girl is just bad news. She will never learn. like ever.
Jenelle Evans' mugshot after her arrest for heroin possession and alleged assault.
And another Teen Mom Farrah makes a sex tape.
Oh Farrah, I don't even know what to say...

Farrah Abraham gets back to mommy duties with a trip to the beach with daughter Sophia following her sex tape shocker. The 21-year-old MTV reality star wore a colorful green and teal bikini as she frolicked in the sand and by the water with her 4 year old daughter.
Also please stop by Miranda's blog regarding the date of the Midwest blogger meet up in Chicago this summer. (6/22/13)
If there are any Wisconsin bloggers who are going and want to car pool I am willing to drive so feel free to email and we can figure something out.
This is going to be sooo fun! I can't wait!!
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  1. Haha! I have Jenelle and Resse all geared up for my Friday Five tomorrow. Great minds think alike! :P

  2. Jenelle and Farrah are off their rockers. Did you see Farrah on Dr.Phil? Holy crap, talk about rude and entitled. I forgot what a brat she was.

  3. Teen Mom is like a train wreck that I can't look away from. These girls will never freaking learn! Not to say they're ALL bad but these two? Yuck. I feel sorry for them!!
